49 research outputs found

    On the reversed bias-variance tradeoff in deep ensembles

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    Deep ensembles aggregate predictions of diverse neural networks to improve generalisation and quantify uncertainty. Here, we investigate their behavior when increasing the ensemble mem- bers’ parameter size - a practice typically asso- ciated with better performance for single mod- els. We show that under practical assumptions in the overparametrized regime far into the dou- ble descent curve, not only the ensemble test loss degrades, but common out-of-distribution detec- tion and calibration metrics suffer as well. Rem- iniscent to deep double descent, we observe this phenomenon not only when increasing the single member’s capacity but also as we increase the training budget, suggesting deep ensembles can benefit from early stopping. This sheds light on the success and failure modes of deep ensembles and suggests that averaging finite width models perform better than the neural tangent kernel limit for these metrics

    A contrastive rule for meta-learning

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    Meta-learning algorithms leverage regularities that are present on a set of tasks to speed up and improve the performance of a subsidiary learning process. Recent work on deep neural networks has shown that prior gradient-based learning of meta-parameters can greatly improve the efficiency of subsequent learning. Here, we present a biologically plausible meta-learning algorithm based on equilibrium propagation. Instead of explicitly differentiating the learning process, our contrastive meta-learning rule estimates meta-parameter gradients by executing the subsidiary process more than once. This avoids reversing the learning dynamics in time and computing second-order derivatives. In spite of this, and unlike previous first-order methods, our rule recovers an arbitrarily accurate meta-parameter update given enough compute. We establish theoretical bounds on its performance and present experiments on a set of standard benchmarks and neural network architectures

    Neural networks with late-phase weights

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    The largely successful method of training neural networks is to learn their weights using some variant of stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Here, we show that the solutions found by SGD can be further improved by ensembling a subset of the weights in late stages of learning. At the end of learning, we obtain back a single model by taking a spatial average in weight space. To avoid incurring increased computational costs, we investigate a family of low-dimensional late-phase weight models which interact multiplicatively with the remaining parameters. Our results show that augmenting standard models with late-phase weights improves generalization in established benchmarks such as CIFAR-10/100, ImageNet and enwik8. These findings are complemented with a theoretical analysis of a noisy quadratic problem which provides a simplified picture of the late phases of neural network learning.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    Continual Learning in Recurrent Neural Networks with Hypernetworks

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    The last decade has seen a surge of interest in continual learning (CL), and a variety of methods have been developed to alleviate catastrophic forgetting. However, most prior work has focused on tasks with static data, while CL on sequential data has remained largely unexplored. Here we address this gap in two ways. First, we evaluate the performance of established CL methods when applied to recurrent neural networks (RNNs). We primarily focus on elastic weight consolidation, which is limited by a stability-plasticity trade-off, and explore the particularities of this trade-off when using sequential data. We show that high working memory requirements, but not necessarily sequence length, lead to an increased need for stability at the cost of decreased performance on subsequent tasks. Second, to overcome this limitation we employ a recent method based on hypernetworks and apply it to RNNs to address catastrophic forgetting on sequential data. By generating the weights of a main RNN in a task-dependent manner, our approach disentangles stability and plasticity, and outperforms alternative methods in a range of experiments. Overall, our work provides several key insights on the differences between CL in feedforward networks and in RNNs, while offering a novel solution to effectively tackle CL on sequential data.Comment: 13 pages and 4 figures in the main text; 20 pages and 2 figures in the supplementary material

    Learning where to learn: Gradient sparsity in meta and continual learning

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    Finding neural network weights that generalize well from small datasets is difficult. A promising approach is to learn a weight initialization such that a small number of weight changes results in low generalization error. We show that this form of meta-learning can be improved by letting the learning algorithm decide which weights to change, i.e., by learning where to learn. We find that patterned sparsity emerges from this process, with the pattern of sparsity varying on a problem-by-problem basis. This selective sparsity results in better generalization and less interference in a range of few-shot and continual learning problems. Moreover, we find that sparse learning also emerges in a more expressive model where learning rates are meta-learned. Our results shed light on an ongoing debate on whether meta-learning can discover adaptable features and suggest that learning by sparse gradient descent is a powerful inductive bias for meta-learning systems

    Neural networks with late-phase weights

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    The largely successful method of training neural networks is to learn their weights using some variant of stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Here, we show that the solutions found by SGD can be further improved by ensembling a subset of the weights in late stages of learning. At the end of learning, we obtain back a single model by taking a spatial average in weight space. To avoid incurring increased computational costs, we investigate a family of low-dimensional late-phase weight models which interact multiplicatively with the remaining parameters. Our results show that augmenting standard models with late-phase weights improves generalization in established benchmarks such as CIFAR-10/100, ImageNet and enwik8. These findings are complemented with a theoretical analysis of a noisy quadratic problem which provides a simplified picture of the late phases of neural network learning

    Learning where to learn: Gradient sparsity in meta and continual learning

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    Finding neural network weights that generalize well from small datasets is difficult. A promising approach is to learn a weight initialization such that a small number of weight changes results in low generalization error. We show that this form of meta-learning can be improved by letting the learning algorithm decide which weights to change, i.e., by learning where to learn. We find that patterned sparsity emerges from this process, with the pattern of sparsity varying on a problem-by-problem basis. This selective sparsity results in better generalization and less interference in a range of few-shot and continual learning problems. Moreover, we find that sparse learning also emerges in a more expressive model where learning rates are meta-learned. Our results shed light on an ongoing debate on whether meta-learning can discover adaptable features and suggest that learning by sparse gradient descent is a powerful inductive bias for meta-learning systems

    Gated recurrent neural networks discover attention

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    Recent architectural developments have enabled recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to reach and even surpass the performance of Transformers on certain sequence modeling tasks. These modern RNNs feature a prominent design pattern: linear recurrent layers interconnected by feedforward paths with multiplicative gating. Here, we show how RNNs equipped with these two design elements can exactly implement (linear) self-attention, the main building block of Transformers. By reverse-engineering a set of trained RNNs, we find that gradient descent in practice discovers our construction. In particular, we examine RNNs trained to solve simple in-context learning tasks on which Transformers are known to excel and find that gradient descent instills in our RNNs the same attention-based in-context learning algorithm used by Transformers. Our findings highlight the importance of multiplicative interactions in neural networks and suggest that certain RNNs might be unexpectedly implementing attention under the hood

    Random initialisations performing above chance and how to find them

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    Neural networks trained with stochastic gradient descent (SGD) starting from different random initialisations typically find functionally very similar solutions, raising the question of whether there are meaningful differences between different SGD solutions. Entezari et al.\ recently conjectured that despite different initialisations, the solutions found by SGD lie in the same loss valley after taking into account the permutation invariance of neural networks. Concretely, they hypothesise that any two solutions found by SGD can be permuted such that the linear interpolation between their parameters forms a path without significant increases in loss. Here, we use a simple but powerful algorithm to find such permutations that allows us to obtain direct empirical evidence that the hypothesis is true in fully connected networks. Strikingly, we find that two networks already live in the same loss valley at the time of initialisation and averaging their random, but suitably permuted initialisation performs significantly above chance. In contrast, for convolutional architectures, our evidence suggests that the hypothesis does not hold. Especially in a large learning rate regime, SGD seems to discover diverse modes.Comment: NeurIPS 2022, 14th Annual Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning (OPT2022